Delta's international baggage policy is that you can carry your bags up to a specific limit, including weight and dimensions. If you exceed the limit, you need to pay some extra charges. According to the delta international baggage policy, the respective passenger can check up to two bags per head. But you need to pay a Delta checked bag fee. According to policy, the baggage that you are carrying should be limited to 50 pounds (22 kg) if the ticket is booked for the basic economy, main cabin, and premium.
Yes, the bags fly free on Delta international. According to the delta international baggage policy, you can take one carry bag and one personal item free of cost. Personal items include a laptop bag, briefcase, small backpack, or diaper bag. The carry-on bag should fit under your seat so that it will not disturb the side passenger.
You can get up to two free checked baggage allowances if you are traveling with first class, delta premium select, or delta one. If you travel on the medallion, then you will get the benefits from the airline, where your checked bag fees get waived so you can go through the below-mentioned medallion level.
If you are in the military and working, you are entitled to carry up to 5 checked baggage free of cost. Suppose the military personnel is flying for personal reasons. In that case, the respective person can check up to two free bags if it is a basic economy, main cabin, or delta comfort flight ticket and if it is a premium cabin, then you can carry up to three checked baggage free of cost.
Yes, the first bag is free on Delta international flights according to the delta international baggage rules; if you are carrying your baggage, the first bag fees automatically get waived during the check-in process. The benefit will be applicable if the baggage is not exceeding the size or weight limit. In case you are a member of some elite status like delta medallion members, you will also be entitled to check the first bag for free as well; if you are an active military staff, you can also check your first bag for free.
If you have checked in your baggage and the limit is exceeding in numbers and weight, then the delta international baggage cost has been issued by the airline authority categorizing. You can go through the different costs for the bags you have carried with you. If you carry the first standard checked bag up to 50 lbs (23 kg), the airline will charge 30$. Moreover, you will get one free carry-on bag allowance and a personal item. On the other hand, if it is a second standard checked bag, then it may cost you 40$.
If you still have a query, then you can connect with the delta customer service representative via the toll-free number 1 (800) 221-1212, which is available 24 hours and seven days.