Can you upgrade with Wizz Air?

Are you having one of those days where you feel you should have selected a higher-class ticket for your flight? There can be numerous reasons behind somebody looking to upgrade their flight class. These can range from having more overhead space to better leg-room, which is an essential requirement for a particularly long journey; it's reasonable to upgrade one's booking rather than trudge drearily for your vacation.

As detailed below, if you're traveling via Wizz air and wondering, can you upgrade with Wizz air? Be assured that it can be made possible.

What is the Wizz Air Upgrade Policy?

  • Each flight booking can be upgraded to its immediate higher class, i.e., the economy class can be upgraded to business.
  • The changes in the bookings can be made until 3 hours before the flight departure, and the changes depend upon the availability of the desired seats.
  • Flight upgrades always have an upgrading fee. This fee is apart from the charges of having a higher-class ticket.

How to Upgrade Wizz air flight bookings?

  • Go to the Wizz air homepage and select the "Check-in and bookings" option at the top-left corner of the webpage.
  • Enter the "Confirmation code" as mentioned in the confirmation email received when you had made the booking for the original ticket and used the search option.
  • A new page will show the complete itinerary of the booking. You can select the upgrade option here and make the relevant changes.
  • Further will show you the payable amount for making the upgrade. After completing the payment, you will receive a confirmation email for the same.

A few tips to save on Wizz Air upgrades

Like all airlines, Wizz air upgrade does have a processing fee apart from the increased fare for a higher class seat, and the availability of a vacant seat in the higher classes isn't guaranteed too. Keeping this in mind, it's reasonable to purchase or be enrolled in special programs that benefit from changing or upgrading the bookings on priority at no added prices. One can look for such programs on the Wizz air homepage or consider them while making a fresh booking.

How to upgrade Wizz air bookings through a call?

Not every one of us possesses the same qualities and preferences. While it's true that flight bookings can be upgraded quite easily through the internet, some may not prefer or might not be able to access the online portal. One can always reach out to Wizz air customer support for any further queries or assistance

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